Remembering My Memoir-Motivating Mom

Remembering My Memoir-Motivating Mom

My mom, Anicia, was a motivator. She was full of life and energy and was such an encourager! She was generous and loved people well too. Mom also had some rough times. We’re so thankful she credited God for taking her out of those times of sadness and giving her times of true peace even when times were tough. And she loved well. Whenever her “going home” anniversary comes around like it did a few days ago, we think of her and appreciate the many reasons why we miss her and her sweet love.

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Teaching the Why to our Children

Teaching the Why to our Children

I love our children so much. They're truly a blessing and a heritage from God. They bring such joy into our lives. While being a daddy is fun and very rewarding, it's also very challenging! Guiding my children and teaching them with wisdom is probably the most challenging thing I've ever done.

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