Done Writing Two More Children's Books
/There was a Bird book collage shared on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter
Sometimes I'll start writing. Other times I'll work on illustrating.
Very rarely do I finish writing an entire children's book in one sitting, but I have. God receives all the praise for that!
This may be the fourth book I've finished writing in a very short period of time. God blessed it so much last week that, within an hour of writing There was a Bird, I wrote a second book and started the series I've been praying for!
Here's the Instagram post I shared early this morning on our social media channels:
"The Lord really blessed the writing and illustrating of this children's book! ❤️
"We continue to pray for our publishing company's work and the books we've produced for @wholesomepress Wholesome Press. 📚
"This is our 8th book. 📕 The exciting part about this book here is that it's part of a series! I've been praying fervently for over a year that the Lord help me to write a successful series of books. Perhaps this is our answered prayer. 🙏😊
"The second book was finished less than an hour after I wrote this one last week! That's never happened before, and all I can say is that the Lord made it smooth and answered our prayers. We'll see if the illustrations will be as smooth for the second book. 📝
"In the meantime, I've been sharing the pdf of this softcover book to some close friends and family members by email. As soon as I'm done designing the book cover template, we'll put this book through the printing process, Lord willing, to be available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble (online), and Books-A-Million (online). 💕👍🏼
Please continue to pray for us. #author #childrensbook #publishingcompany #therewasabird"