Merry Christmas from Our Family to Yours

Merry Christmas from Our Family to Yours

Can you believe that 2021 is almost over? This year has been a busy year for us with lots of exciting changes and developments. One of the highlights of this year was our discovering that Franicia is pregnant with a precious soul who we expect to be welcoming into this world sometime next summer. We also found out the timing of Tim’s transition from the Navy to civilian life also next summer that will likely coincide with our relocating again.

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19 (Plus) Wonderful Years with My Best Friend

19 (Plus) Wonderful Years with My Best Friend

A little over 19 years ago, Franicia and I said, “I do”…actually, we said it twice and we’re pronounced “man and wife” twice, but that story is for another time. 😂 We never in our wildest dreams would’ve imagined that we would be blessed with 9 wonderful, precious children. I don’t think that we would’ve ever dreamed that either that we would’ve moved so many times, experienced so many wonderful things, or walked through the trials that we have experienced.

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Second Round of Sickness, Fruit, Blessings, and Updates Ahead

Second Round of Sickness, Fruit, Blessings, and Updates Ahead

After such an amazing and blessed trip to Dallas/Ft.Worth to make the most of Tim’s scheduled work trip, we arrived home three weeks ago with slight signs of a cold. Though we were being cautious and hardly went anywhere beyond our lovely Airbnb, we think we might have caught something at a gas station or perhaps a restaurant that we visited. The sickness ended up being the flu which wore us out. To be safe, we had a couple of our family members tested for “the virus,” but the test turned out negative. We had a few good days or so where we thought we might all be past it, but then experienced something we don’t ever think we’ve gone through before…

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White Family Dojo Coming Soon!

Future Dojo - White Family - 202104.jpg

Our dojo is almost ready! Woohoo! Pelaiah helped me clear out a lot more items, and Franicia has been working hard on making the bookshelf and school side function more like a library again. I love exercising with my children here, and, not too long from now, we’ll be learning our Okinawan Karate katas when Franicia is ready to teach us hopefully! We’re eager to learn the same kata that Mr. Miyagi taught Daniel in Karate Kid on the mountain. How awesome would that be?! #TRAINFORLIFE

2021 National Library Week Book Reading Video of “Count Them with Me” with Author Franicia Tomokane White

2021 National Library Week Book Reading Video of “Count Them with Me” with Author Franicia Tomokane White

In this video, you’ll get more than just a book reading, you’ll find out some of the reasons why I wrote it and why we published it. You’ll also find out what the extra pages include and how you can use them to teach your children whether you homeschool or love reading and teaching numbers and spelling to children.

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A Most Wonderful Birthday to You


Is our sweet baby Pelaiah really sixteen already? It didn’t seem too long ago that Tim and I were eagerly awaiting her arrival. While many people have asked if the origin of her name was from my Pacific Islander heritage or even possibly Hawaiian, they’ve been often surprised to find that we chose her Hebrew name from the Bible because it has such a beautiful meaning --- “Jehovah is wonderful.” 

Pelaiah, not only is our God Wonderful, but you are a wonderful daughter, sister, and person! You’re loving, kind, thoughtful, brilliant, and beautiful! It has been a joy to see your love for many things --- a few of them being music, God’s Word, and learning new things. Your amazing culinary skills in the kitchen with many delicious, healthy foods and desire to selflessly bless many people with meals alongside your siblings has encouraged many people -- including your daddy and me. When you play the piano, especially on a piece that means a lot to you, it’s such a gift to us to see your heart poured out so eloquently on those keys. At times, you stir people’s hearts to tears with that special gift!

May the Lord continue to bless you for the way you love others in your sweet and beautiful way! May you continue to grow, seeking His wisdom and honoring Him all the days of your life. We love you, dear Daughter, more than you’ll ever know! Mwa! 😍🥳❤️🎉😘🎈

(We asked Pelaiah to share with us what photos she loves and would like for us to share here in the coming days. We’ve included some of them in her birthday collage above.)

Shine On

Shine On

We rarely realize the life that we can speak into other people’s lives not only by the things that we say but also by our actions. The world that we live in can often be a dark, sad, lonely world, and love, light, and honor can be hard to come by. One thing that I’ve learned from Franicia, though, is how far-reaching the effects of the love that we show to people can go.

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