17 Years - A Marriage Prayer

17 Years - A Marriage Prayer

17 years sounds like a long time. Tragically, the average length of marriages in the US is only 8.2 years according to census data. Woohoo! We have more than doubled the national average! (That’s actually sad to write — I wish that we were up to only ⅓ of the nation average. How wonderful would that be? May the Lord grant repentance and healing in our nation and society that marriages would be sacred and long-lasting!)

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Bathing Our Thoughts With Thanksgiving

Bathing Our Thoughts With Thanksgiving

We have so much for which to be thankful. Life, health, family, friends, our freedoms -- all of these things are wonderful blessings from God Himself. But even more than all of these, God has not dealt with us as we deserve. He's been patient with us and merciful. On top of this, His greatest mercy is providing His only begotten Son as a perfect atonement for our sins that if we believe in Him we will not perish but "have ever lasting life."

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