Helping people develop healthy, wholesome habits and relationships.

We're Tim and Franicia. We love the Lord and strive to please Him in all that we do. Our mission is to encourage others to do the same. We also love delicious, wholesome food, and enjoy life together as a family. Here you'll find encouragement and tools to help you on your journey to a healthy, wholesome life.

Featured YouTube Videos


Family Fun Day -- Naval Aviation Museum and Kite Flying | S2 E2

A NEW CHAPTER | El Paso Recap, Moving to Florida, and Navy Change of Command & Retirement Ceremony

Premiered - May 26, 2022


SUMMER DAYS IN PENSACOLA -- Firecracker 5k, Naval Aviation Museum, and Blueberry Picking | S2 E1

Premiered - July 22, 2022


Interview: Mindset and Exceeding the Standard with Former Navy SEAL and Author, Stew Smith

Premiered - March 12, 2022


Most Recent Blog Posts

Remembering My Memoir-Motivating Mom

My mom, Anicia, was a motivator. She was full of life and energy and was such an encourager! She was generous and loved people well too. Mom also had some rough times. We’re so thankful she credited God for taking her out of those times of sadness and giving her times of true peace even when times were tough. And she loved well. Whenever her “going home” anniversary comes around like it did a few days ago, we think of her and appreciate the many reasons why we miss her and her sweet love.

Close to Printing the 2nd Edition of Our Book “I Know You Love Me, Mommy and Daddy”

Self-publishing books has been a rewarding process for our family. Seeing hard work pay off no matter what we’re doing is great, isn’t it? With publishing books, we sometimes have to call a project done and other times put it through the revision process.

"Good" at Curating Our Lives

I don’t know about you, but I want to have deep, meaningful relationships with people. Deep, meaningful relationships aren’t possible, though, without both parties showing love, being truthful, and being authentic — not curating a persona that isn’t real.

24 Years as a Sailor

Today, on my first day of retired life, it's hard to believe that I joined the Navy 24 years ago. 24 years seems like a long time until it's already past. Looking back, though, 24 years pasted so quickly.

Twenty Years of Marital Bliss

Twenty years ago, we stood together in front of our family and friends and before God to become man and wife. What a wonderful thing that it’s been to be married to you, Franicia.

Praise for Motherhood and the Wonderful Mothers in Our Life

9 children and 19 (almost 20) years into our marriage, you still truly amaze me at the woman and Mommy that you are, Franicia. How do you find time and energy to love and worship God, love your fellow man, love me, and love and teach our children in a way that causes people to wonder and want to know more about the God that you serve?

Merry Christmas from Our Family to Yours

Can you believe that 2021 is almost over? This year has been a busy year for us with lots of exciting changes and developments. One of the highlights of this year was our discovering that Franicia is pregnant with a precious soul who we expect to be welcoming into this world sometime next summer. We also found out the timing of Tim’s transition from the Navy to civilian life also next summer that will likely coincide with our relocating again.

19 (Plus) Wonderful Years with My Best Friend

A little over 19 years ago, Franicia and I said, “I do”…actually, we said it twice and we’re pronounced “man and wife” twice, but that story is for another time. 😂 We never in our wildest dreams would’ve imagined that we would be blessed with 9 wonderful, precious children. I don’t think that we would’ve ever dreamed that either that we would’ve moved so many times, experienced so many wonderful things, or walked through the trials that we have experienced.

Second Round of Sickness, Fruit, Blessings, and Updates Ahead

After such an amazing and blessed trip to Dallas/Ft.Worth to make the most of Tim’s scheduled work trip, we arrived home three weeks ago with slight signs of a cold. Though we were being cautious and hardly went anywhere beyond our lovely Airbnb, we think we might have caught something at a gas station or perhaps a restaurant that we visited. The sickness ended up being the flu which wore us out. To be safe, we had a couple of our family members tested for “the virus,” but the test turned out negative. We had a few good days or so where we thought we might all be past it, but then experienced something we don’t ever think we’ve gone through before…

White Family Dojo Coming Soon!

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